Crypto investment strategies via API

Boost User Engagement, Drive Revenue, and Offer Smart Investment Solutions in No Time.

Developing investment strategies
takes time and money

You are in safe hands

We provide full support around API integration and all aspects of running strategies

Fast integration

Strategies can be integrated within a month with our plug and play API

Affordable price

To help you get started fast and test the demand, we offer an affordable revenue share model

How it works

Whenever user invests into strategy through your platform we are sending buy/sell orders of individual coins from a chosen strategy onto your platform

User invest $1000 in Strategy on your platform

We receive anonymized request via API

We send the order via API to buy individual coins

Explore all strategies

We offer 2 types of strategies, passive, which move up and down with the market, and SMART, which are more active and use indicators to optimize times of gradual market entry and exit.


An investment strategy represents a carefully selected collection of different cryptocurrencies, and each has a unique risk and return profile. You can read more about them here.

In case some client requires custom strategy development, we could quickly do it, as we have all the data, methodologies and calculations and can easily adjust them based on customer needs.

Instead of charging high monthly fees per strategy, we will take a cut from the revenue generated from strategies, making it a quick and affordable option for platforms to start offering investment strategies.

Instead of charging high monthly fees per strategy, we will take a cut from the revenue generated from strategies, making it a quick and affordable option for platforms to start offering investment strategies.

Get started. Today.

Strategy API is built to support the most complex structures. Let us know a bit about you and we’ll respond in less than 24h.